Thursday, July 20, 2006



I have found that I really want to shout inappropriate at people as I see them doing things that I personally find wrong. For example, when you are on a crowded train and a senior citizen or visibally pregnant woman gets on and is STANDING in front of you, do you offer the person a seat or ignore them? More and more, I see people ignoring the person who has a right, by law, to your seat.


Yesterday, however took the cake. I don't live in a fancy schmancy neighborhood, I live in a ghettofication (1st wave gentrification). This being San Francisco, I don't have to go far to find a fancy schmancy hood. In fact I hang out in one that's about 15 minutes away from where I live. In this neighborhood, there is a homeless guy who is always asking for money. He is very polite so I always assumed he probably collects enough to keep himself fed. That is until I saw him last night talking on a cellular phone better than mine!


Living in San Francisco is slowly turning me into a caricature. In five years, I'm going to be that person people give wide berths to as they walk down the street since I'll be yelling inappropriate to anyone I see.

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